Happy Halloween to all!
Can you believe that skull is an embroidered badge? Well, try because it is!
Enjoy your holiday weekend with family and relax!
With love Promler’s pumpkins, ghosts and witches. 🙂
Happy Halloween to all!
Can you believe that skull is an embroidered badge? Well, try because it is!
Enjoy your holiday weekend with family and relax!
With love Promler’s pumpkins, ghosts and witches. 🙂
You want to win?
Who wouldn’t?
You want to get a prize?
Who wouldn’t?
Whether you are joining for marathon, 10K run, football match, or rowing competition you would like to receive a prize, right? Well, we sell medals for all of those and beyond! Custom medals for sport events and matches you can get from us! We supply you the traditional medals, round and square, but also custom shapes. Low minimum orders benefit you when you want to praise the winners in a small event or if you feel like everyone has achieved high you can praise all the participants, choice is yours! We can also make 3D medals and you can pick the metallic shine you want to for your custom medal. If you want to add value to your medal even more you can ask for different packing options, we have a wide selection. Your medal will look absolutely gorgeous!
Get your gold medals, silver medals and bronze medals from us!
Hard enamel medal, soft enamel medal or custom contrast medal, we will help you with the selection if you are not quite sure what you are looking for material wise!
If you go to the movie theater, you usually always need to buy that enormous popcorn box and a soft drink: Â a combo deal. Then you are ready to go to and watch that movie. At least this is how I like to enjoy my movie experience.
How this has anything to do with promotional products? Well let me tell you: without promotional products your whole marketing idea can suck. Like a movie without popcorns can suck (more likely will suck). If you are on diet, you won’t buy those popcorns and that soda but instead, torture yourself while seeing and hearing people yummy-eating and straw-sucking-drinking, how the others enjoy the movie much better with their treats.
The concept of marketing can be linked to the movie in this scenario. Roughly said, the marketing plan will be a torture without supporting treats (in this case promotional products). If your business is on diet moneywise, are you sure that marketing is the thing to save from? In the end, you won’t enjoy it that much without the essentials.
What if you enjoy the popcorns and soda without a movie? Well, then you are just treating yourself and probably going to have a remorse after it. This theory started to lose its value now, I do not want to put you thinking that you’ll start to remorse buying promotional products. Let’s say that those popcorns that you are having are extra ordinal in the way, that they have the sweet butter taste, but won’t give you any extra weight!?
That sounds unbelievable, and yes it is, but so are our products as well! Unbelievably good (and fat-free): lanyards, wristbands, embroidered badges, pin badges and medals. Without them your marketing is just half finished.
The extra sweet treat: all the promotional products are custom made.
“Business blogs are so dull! Only they do is to advertise and try to use it as a marketing tool. Quite often the result is that the blog is not used after the first posts.”
–Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â First thing we noticed when searching for business blogs..
You know what, we want to make an exception!
For sure, the time used could be focused on just selling, selling and selling and making money. Of course we work hard on making sales, you know there is a rent to pay for all of us, but what if we just take a few minutes of our day and try to change the idea of blogging and doing business at the same time?
Our products: custom lanyards, custom lapel pins and custom embroidered badges are a part of tangible marketing, and now we are talking about social media marketing. This is bit different from our specialties and what we do the best, but hey: new skills need to be learned!
We asked around our office if they read business blogs. The answer was a long stare and no words were needed. We got answers like: “I read only fashion blogs” or “famous people blogs”. This put us to wonder who would read our blog? Probably very few in the beginning, but we still want to give it a try!
Hence, we collected some challenges of writing a business blog, and here you can see a few of them:
Thank you for your attention, we also wonder (there just have not been enough of wondering yet) if other businesses are facing blogging as a challenge rather than an opportunity. We want to think that it is an opportunity; we just need to grow in our social media a bit more to be better at it.
Tips are more than welcome!
Feel free to comment and follow us?!
HASTAGÂ custom lapel pin HASTAGÂ custom embroidered badge HASTAGÂ custom wristband HASTAGÂ custom lanyard HASTAGÂ custom badges
Whether you like it soft or hard, we have a solution for both wishes. And yes, we are talking about the pin badges now, so you are allowed to get bit of exited.
So how you know which one you like or prefer? Well first of all, soft enamel pin badges tend to have a smooth surface. That is due to the epoxy coating which we add with free of charge. “Hurray!” Hard enamel pin badge however feels uneven, this is because the epoxy coating is not added and the end result stays multidimensional.
Here is time for little self-congratulation: We have done this for two decades and can proudly say our products are outstanding and the best!
Enough of us, let me tell you why this product especially is useful.
Enamel pin badges, whether soft or hard, both represent your message clearly and with certainty. The style is just bit different was it then from the soft or hard enamel. We have made badges for many events and corporations such as for: companies to use in exhibitions, fundraising events, general and annual meetings and many others.
Soft and hard enamel pin badges can and will boost your visibility wherever you go! Give us your idea and we’ll make everything to let the result be beyond expectations!
We think that the enamel pin badge is ideal for companies, clubs and associations. For corporations that have a logo, and this basically leaves nobody out (nice logic, right?).
When you are planning of your next event or simply want to embrace your club: contact us for enamel pin badges!
With Love and Care
Promler Team
P.S. Soft enamel pin badges and hard enamel pin badges are not the only ones in the pin badge family: stamped pin badges, printed pin badges and button pin badges are also supplied from us!
P.P.S. We like it both ways!
Ever wondered why on earth people buy this stuff we sell? Who really needs embroidered badges or button pin badges, c’mon people it’s peace of useless stuff!?!?!?
You know why this useless stuff can actually be useful?
You can promote your corporation with people. People tend to move around, nationally and internationally, by giving them lanyards and pin badges your brand awareness increases where ever the people carry them along.
The products we sell are the best in the markets already by the quality: colours, shapes, material and service. We make you to be noticed along your way on tangible marketing!
We can help you to pick the product for YOUR customer needs, lifestyles and behaviours. Do not be scared of to be creative when it comes choosing your promotional item (lanyard, tube scarf, wristband, embroidered badge etc.) and logo design, marketing needs to be little bit crazy in order to be noticed!
Simple? Simple!
With Love and Simple Reasoning
Promler Team
We at Promler want to offer you the Best and the Safest purchasing environment. All our payment methods are secured and hassle free. Business and corporations are invoiced if so wanted and private consumers will purchase the products before the delivery, but for your security we offer a 100 % satisfactory guarantee.
You can pay us by the major providers of debit and credit cards and also with PayPall. It is made as smooth as possible for your convenience.
Do not hesitate to contact us, if you have questions of any kind. We are here to help you!
Safety first!
With love and care,
Promler Team
Customised lanyards are a perfect solution for businesses, organizations, events and educational institutes. We would like to introduce you a few tips how you can use the customised lanyards.
The lanyards are visible and therefore they give you an excellent opportunity for your brand to get stronger. The opportunities of using lanyards are numerous such as: conferences, exhibitions, recruiting events, product launching and business meetings to start with.
You can add your personal ID card on it with the plastic card holder we have in our selection or then your plastic key card for faster entering. OR you can save your pockets and keep your phone hanging safely around your neck with the quality lanyard with a safety buckle. OR you can still save your pockets from putting your keys in there, but put your keys on the lanyard!
Your corporate logo is visible and people around you cannot miss it when you use the lanyard. You can ease your day with this simple product with multipurpose.
The lanyards are almost a necessity for example for media and security firms, where employees can access the “staff only” premises by showing the ID card on the lanyard. This fastens the work efficacy as well as keeping the schedule. By using the lanyards business can easily increase their product or service’s brand and hence the profitability.
Whereas, businesses can take the advantage of using the lanyards, so can sport teams and educational institutions use this practical and fine product. ID cards, phones, keys, all can be attached onto the lanyards with different kind of hooks, which Promler has a wide range of. Promler can customise the lanyard with your logo’s and mission statements for students, athletes, fans etc. to carry along worldwide from season to season.
Customised lanyards add the brand power with a wide selection of different kind of hooks just for your purposes. When you are ordering lanyards, contact Promler: info@promler.co.uk or phone us: 02476 98 2100.
Get hooked!