Whether you like it soft or hard, we have a solution for both wishes. And yes, we are talking about the pin badges now, so you are allowed to get bit of exited.
So how you know which one you like or prefer? Well first of all, soft enamel pin badges tend to have a smooth surface. That is due to the epoxy coating which we add with free of charge. “Hurray!” Hard enamel pin badge however feels uneven, this is because the epoxy coating is not added and the end result stays multidimensional.
Here is time for little self-congratulation: We have done this for two decades and can proudly say our products are outstanding and the best!
Enough of us, let me tell you why this product especially is useful.
Enamel pin badges, whether soft or hard, both represent your message clearly and with certainty. The style is just bit different was it then from the soft or hard enamel. We have made badges for many events and corporations such as for: companies to use in exhibitions, fundraising events, general and annual meetings and many others.
Soft and hard enamel pin badges can and will boost your visibility wherever you go! Give us your idea and we’ll make everything to let the result be beyond expectations!
We think that the enamel pin badge is ideal for companies, clubs and associations. For corporations that have a logo, and this basically leaves nobody out (nice logic, right?).
When you are planning of your next event or simply want to embrace your club: contact us for enamel pin badges!
With Love and Care
Promler Team
P.S. Soft enamel pin badges and hard enamel pin badges are not the only ones in the pin badge family: stamped pin badges, printed pin badges and button pin badges are also supplied from us!
P.P.S. We like it both ways!